Two federal laws prohibit the discrimination against students with disabilities. Those laws, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are similar in their requirements. They apply to all aspects of EDvance College’s operations, including academic programs, student services, and admissions.
In addition to prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability, Section 504 and the ADA both impose an affirmative obligation on EDvance College to provide reasonable accommodations needed to ensure a student with a disability is able to participate fully and meaningfully at EDvance College - as long as those accommodations do not impose an undue burden on EDvance College, and/or fundamentally alter the nature of the program or service provided.
EDvance College is committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion plus Belonging (JEDI + B). EDvance College strives to provide JEDI+B based support and services to all students, including those with disabilities. It is the policy of EDvance College to make every reasonable effort to provide students with disabilities with the opportunity to take full advantage of EDvance College’s programs, activities, and services. The Early Childhood Studies Director does this, in part, by arranging reasonable accommodations for students. To request accommodations, a student with a disability provides the Early Childhood Studies Director with current documentation of the disability, the functional limitations resulting from the disability, and recommendations for accommodations. The Early Childhood Studies Director and the student will work together to identify appropriate and reasonable accommodations needed to fully participate at EDvance College.
EDvance College has the right to establish qualifications and other essential standards and requirements for its courses, program, and services. All students are expected to meet these qualifications, standards and requirements, with or without reasonable accommodations.